Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Finance and Development - 5184 Words

Executive Summary Thailand is a newly industrialized and export dependent country. Although it is developing country its economic growth rate is sustaining over the long period of time. It is middle income country in the south-east Asia. In 1988 the GDP growth rate was 12%.Then there was economic boom in the country. The purpose of paper is to assess is to find out the economic condition of Thailand and its economic performance regarding different policies. The economic growth of Thailand is better than any other developing country. Over the ten years between 1987 and 1996, the average annual GDP growth rate was 9.4 percent; the growth rate of real exports was 14.5 per cent, while inflation was contained at 4.7 per cent. The high level of†¦show more content†¦Key reforms are needed to open the financial sector; improve the foreign investment climate, including updating telecommunications capabilities; and stimulate domestic investment and consumption to balance reliance on exports. Origin of the Report: Formal report writing is a mandatory requirement of the Finance and Development course of the BBA program. This report was assigned to give the students a better understanding of their studied theories and real life application of it. Objectives * To know Thailand economic condition. * To know monetary and fiscal policy of Thailand. * To know their policies which improve their economic condition. * To know other macro economic variables of Thailand. * To enhance our subject knowledge. Methodology To collect data for this report we use secondary information. We get all the information from World Bank and Bank of Thailand websites. Limitations of the Report: Research work is very much comprehensive. It is an accumulation of both information and creative thinking. It requires a great effort and long sound planning to make a report. It is true that we got help from many highly qualified people. But still we faced some problem. As we are really new in this field and it is our first report in our life; we felt lack of experience in every stage of our work. And there was not enough time for thisShow MoreRelatedFinancial Development Of The Indian Finance Industry1650 Words   |  7 Pages Money related Industry is the foundation of a present day economy. Soundness of Financial industry is a standout amongst the most essential pre-conditions for managed monetary advance of any nation. The universe of Finance has accepted another measurement at the beginning of the 21st century with the coming of innovation, in this manner loaning the business a stamp of comprehensiveness. By and large, Financing might be delegated retail and corporate Financing. Retail Financing, which is intendedRead MoreHow Disney Will Finance Their New Development1095 Words   |  5 PagesTurkey. To develop a business one of the principle criteria is to get the best possible fund for it, without money it is impractical to obtain a business. 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