Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Call to action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Call to action - Essay Example They as well offer local volunteer opportunities, mentorship programs for students and social events. Evaluate the laws about Fracking To address the major issues of environment, health and compensation, groups that draw membership from the immediate environment affected by drilling, the Environment Law Society should make it their responsibility to look at the current laws in place. This is an effort to aid those affected. As part of the Arizona state, they should mind their environment using the law knowledge they have. In Arizona, there are a number of groups that are deeply and widely involved in environmental issues. However, these groups are riddled with politics when it comes to the issue of fracking and as such, a rather ‘independent and neutral’ group should be used to champion issues that arise. With consideration of the sub issue of compensation, a rather affected group should be chosen. Considering this, the best group is the Arizona Farm Bureau, a Tucson bas ed farm and ranch organization. The groups should come together to propose a law that may be sent to the responsible arm of the state administration. The environment law society of the University of Arizona should be the uniting body and streamline all legal actions of the groups to form a strong proposal. Extend Legal Education to the community regarding effects of fracking Since the group is based on the values of a free and enlightened community that is environmentally sensitive the Environmental law society should involve the community. It should realize the need to educate people more on the environment, face challenges and come up with solutions. There are shaky environmental laws which are not known to many. While they make proposals for better and stringent laws that govern fracking they should also is to disseminate legal environment knowledge to as many as possible as a step towards conservation. What should be of importance to them is the fact that the environmental laws are functional, well known to the people and followed accordingly. The constant bickering and politicking regarding environmental issues should not concern them. The environmental law society should not only leave a community that is aware of laws about fracking and their rights to safety, it should also do that on other environmental laws. This is a call to action for them in time since there are many issues affecting the environment especially executed by drilling companies that do little to mind the people. Conduct Mass Awareness Campaigns The Environmental Law Society is a major contributor to the Arizona Journal of Environmental Law & Policy (â€Å"AJELP†) which is a multi-discipline student-run journal. The AJELP examines environmental issues from scientific, legal, public policy, economic and other perspectives. This helps in creation of an engaging, responsive platform to discuss and drawing attention to pertinent environmental issues in law and policy. The journal pu blishes environment articles on a rolling basis thereby of providing updates that are timely and legal and of interest to the environmental community. The club should use this platform to advocate for a response by airing the grievances of the affected people on print media. The issue of the negative effects of drilling has long been concealed due to lack of exposure for what they really cause. The environmental law society should dwell on this until audience is given. The other feasible actions

Sunday, February 9, 2020

How the social resposibilities of ship management business managershas Essay

How the social resposibilities of ship management business managershas changed - Essay Example Their products must be safe to use and the environment to which the workers operate should also be protective. The ship business management managers have also deviated from that social responsibility embodied by the law to that relates to the people's customs and traditions at large with the sole purpose of providing/doing what the people need. Additionally, the business is now recognizing and appreciating people's human rights in interacting with the community. a) The Employees Employees form a major part of the company stakeholders. Unfortunately, this group is rarely looked into when it cares to awarding of benefits, salary increment as a whole. But the ship management business managers have started showing some form of social responsibility towards its employees in the following manner. (Davis and Blomstrom, 1975) a) Fair recruitment & selection exercise - The business managers have started hiring its workforce based on merit, traits exhibited during interviews etc. All the candidates are subjected to similar interviewing environments with the interviewer asking almost similar questions. There have been changes from; embarrassing questions to fair questions; seriousness to friendliness; general appearance to merit; subjectivity to objectivity. 2 b) Improved conflict management criteria - The managers have moved from competition/ authoritative command of conflict management to accommodating/smoothing style of managing conflicts. Competition/authoritative command is where managers used to be in co-operative but assertive. They used to work against the wishes of the employees, fight to dominate and force things to a favourable conclusion through the exercise of authority or power. The managers therefore achieved... They have a care with regard to ethics and moral responsibilities. The ship management business have moved from the traditional responsibilities of maximizing profits by reducing costs unethically and maximizing their revenues is more people oriented goals.Political systems greatly affect firms operations. The new part will have to cope with government strategies or development plans. Expansions of the new post development may be met with stiff resistance of the local authorities on grounds of different government plans on such expansion areas. In some nations, government set out certain rules and regulations regarding the health and safety of the working environment and the part development will have to adjust accordingly. (Griffin and Mahon, 1997)Influence the operations of the new part development.The interest rates in the economy keep on fluctuating and the new part development must adjust accordingly to this. It also has to adhere to the labour laws that exist in that business i ndustry. The economical situations also influence consumer buying behaviour and their bargaining power. The part development will have to re-adjust more during periods of recession than boom periods. In conclusion it is important for the new part development to understand the external environment to which it operates and adjust accordingly because this might have an effect on its resultant profits.