Saturday, December 28, 2019

Che Guevara - 2292 Words

Che Guevara The Major Figure of the Cuban Revolution I. Introduction A. Significance of the Subject B. Purpose and plan of the paper C. Thesis Statement: Che Guevara’s actions were driven by his two-sided mind. Che was a good-minded revolutionist with evil actions. II. Che Guevara’s starting ideas and believes A. Changes in his world views B. First ideas III. The beginning of the revolution A. Che’s impact on the revolution B. Che’s part of the rebel army C. Che’s violent actions IV. Historians’ views on Che’s actions A. Doing good or evil B. Reasons for his actions C. Reasons that brought him off the right directions V. Interpretation and evaluation of all the opinions and facts A. Responding to†¦show more content†¦Meanwhile, as supplies and morale diminished, and with an allergy to mosquito bites which resulted in agonizing cysts on his body, Guevara considered these the most painful days of the war (â€Å"Che: Part One†). As the war continued, Guevara became an integral part of the rebel army and convinced Castro with competence, diplomacy and patience. Guevara set up factories to make grenades, built ovens to bake bread, taught new recruits about tactics, and organized schools to teach illiterate soldiers to read and write. In addition, Guevara established health clinics, workshops to teach military tactics, and a newspaper to distribute information. For all of these actions, The New York Times, gave him the honorable nick name, â€Å"Castro’s brain† (â€Å"Che: Part Two†). Unfortunately he also had a very dark and brutal side. As the only other ranked C ommandant besides Fidel Castro, Guevara was a harsh disciplinarian who sometimes shot anti-revolutionists. Deserters were punished as traitors, and Guevara was known to send killing squads to track those down. As a result, Guevara became feared for his brutality and ruthlessness. During the guerrilla campaign, Guevara was also responsible for the sometimes summary execution of a number of men accused of being informers, deserters or spies (Anderson-Lee 59-65). In his diaries, Guevara described the first such execution of Eutimio Guerra, a peasant army guide who admittedShow MoreRelatedEssay Che Guevara796 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Che Guevara    The late Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara was a genuine leader. His cause was to liberate  Cuba  from a corrupt military dictatorship, and resist  United States  interference in Cuban political affairs (â€Å"More or Less†, 2002). In the beginning this cause was just, but his passion grew to hatred, which inevitably consumed him. Che personified a collectivist but real concern for people, and truly came to believe that the key to realising that concern was through armed, savage, anti-imperialist politicalRead More Ernesto Che Guevara Essay2914 Words   |  12 PagesChe Guevara, a revolutionary in Cuba, has become an internationally recognized figure. While many people are familiar with his achievements of helping to overthrow and rebuild the Cuban government, his image has expanded well beyond his political success. Che’s picture has been seen all over the world, in every imaginable context. Many people associate Che Guevara with the very word â€Å"revoluti on,† while others remember Che as a brutal and ruthless guerilla. 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In Europe he became a pop icon among the youth with little or no historical reference. Only in Cuba does his legacy stand for the hope and faith of the Latin American people. Ernesto Guevara de la SernaRead More Ernesto Che Guevara Essay2680 Words   |  11 PagesErnesto Che Guevara Ernesto Che Guevara has undeniably been one of the most powerful icons of the past fourty years. The Argentine revolutionary has had his picture widely printed on shirts and posters and has become a symbol for the (often young) anarchist. Yet, how many of us really understand or know what Che stood for? Do we know what his philosophy was about? Very few of us have taken the time to understand the goals and principles of Guevara and what he fought for - to death. 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Other people will learn from experiences and those experiences will stick with them as they go through life. Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara learned a great amount from experiences that he shared in his memoir, The Motorcyle Diaries. In this book, he shares the story of his journey through a large portion of South America, with his friend Alberto. Throughout the journey, Guevara notes several differences within the individual countries and between the countries themselves. Some countries, like Chile,Read MoreThe Motorcycle Diaries Che Guevara Analysis1143 Words   |  5 Pag esperceptions and values. The impact of a physical journey in order to come reconnected with ones spirituality can lead to the emotional and social discoveries that ignites the reassessment of these factors. This notion of transformation is validated in Che Guevara’s 1952 autobiographical memoir â€Å"The Motorcycle Diaries†. Where through his extensive recount of his travels there is the revelation of social inequity of which highlights the corruption of the political system. This exposure ultimately reveals

Friday, December 20, 2019

Stop The Madness Gay Marriages Should be Banned Essay

On June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court ruled that the US Constitution guarantees the right for same-sex couples to marry. Should gay marriages be legal? Why should our nation accommodate such a dreadful Supreme Court ruling? Gay couples have become a major problem for our children. Children only repeat what they hear, see, and other habits from their role models. Our children are the ones who are being subjected to these horrifying situations. Gay marriages should be banned because God did not intend women to sleep with each other, nor men with men. It is a major sin. Plus, children should not be taught that same sex relationships are permitted. The effects on young children being subjected to gay marriages is the major†¦show more content†¦Because of children that are raised in a home where there’s a gay marriage the trend will repeat. Making our children that being a homosexual is allowed. Others may disagree with gay marriages being banned. Others fell if that’s the lifestyle that they want their children to mock than they will have to deal with it in the long run. Of course gays will want gay marriages to become legal in all fifty states but is right? Gay parents fell as though their children will make their own decisions about their relations but in reality they will only follow what they know. Gay marriages should not be legal in any state. Same sex marriages should not exist. The whole purpose of sex is to reproduce and same sex relations can not reproduce in any way. I believe that gay relations are a major sin and should be banned. Those who believe that if your happy with who ever than you should be with them, but when children are brought into the picture than that parent is ruining their child mind. Because if they see mommy doing something when they get older their going to say my mommy did and she says it is okay. Ruining a child chance of having and family is wrong. I fell as though if you want to be gay than you do you. But if you have children they should not even know about it or see it. In conclusion, Gay marriages shall not become legal in any sort of way. I think that those who participate in gay relations who have children their children should live with aShow MoreRelatedGAY RIGHTS MOVEMENT IN THE 60S3496 Words   |  14 PagesThe American Gay Rights Movement: A Timeline This timeline provides information about the gay rights movement in the United States from 1924 to the present: including the Stonewall riots; the contributions of Harvey Milk; the Dont Ask, Dont Tell policy; the first civil unions; the legalization of same-sex marriage in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York; and more. 1924 The Society for Human Rights in Chicago becomes the countrys earliest known gay rights organization. 1948 Alfred KinseyRead MoreWe Must Obey Our Elders17194 Words   |  69 PagesShould we OBEY our Elders A Photo of an Elder! A Tale of Correction ï‚ ©Ã¯  ´ By Ray Walter Swangkee ― The Colorful Peacock from Angel Ridge, Box 305H2, King’s Mountain, Kentucky 40442 The Divided States of United Lies! My E-mail Address is:, as in: â€Å"The King at TELL ALL, dot, Network of Truth.† Please Visit the most Beautiful, Enlightening, and Inspiring Website on the Internet, at: â€Å"O my Son, no one likes to Obey any Person that he or sheRead Morewisdom,humor and faith19596 Words   |  79 Pagesus feel superior, amidst our own ethnic group, to any supposed inferior group. Humor is also sometimes an inappropriate response to an event. Hearing of evils like the killing of an innocent person, the demeaning of a child, or the rape of a woman should elicit not humor but sorrow. As the Bible’s book of Ecclesiastes says, there is â€Å"a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.† Enlightening comments on the relationship of humor to wisdom were once made by Reinhold Niebuhr

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Home Security System

Question: Write a report about home security system. Answer: 1.0 Introduction In the modern technology, there are many methods and technology available for secure the home, bank, office, ATM etc. If the person went out means, this send alert message for a person where the fault is occurring. Nowadays theft rate is increased, so we are in the situation of secure the home. In our project a small credit card sized tiny computer called raspberry pi is used. It is used to teach the operation of computer language to the children. There are many microcontrollers available like ARM, AVR, Atmel and 8051.This microcontroller is the heart of the whole security system. Similarly so many sensors are used for identification of human body, fire, smoke and finger touch (James Adams, 2014). 1.1 Goal of the project Whenever we go away for job or anything, we have to secure our home and livings. Now everything should be wireless. Here GSM wireless technology is used to alert through message to the owner of home. This system is used to protect our valuables and also used as remote controlling system to our home. The buzzer used in this project may protect home before owner is coming because of the sound. We can also monitor the room temperature by smoke and fire sensor (Liz Upton, 2014). Here we are getting the input signal that may be an intruder, fire, smoke and users fingerprint. This input signals are processed in the Raspberry Pi chip. After the process, the output is display in the output system LCD. Buzzer can alert the user. 1.2 Overview of the project In this project, we are going to secure our home by using one small mobile phone. If the is away from home, he can secure his home from theft issue and some electrical problems like fire, smoke. In our project, Raspberry Pi 2 module B is used as a micro controller. This is heart of our whole project. All the modules which are used to secure the home are interfaced with GPIO pins of this Raspberry Pi. Here we are using the interfacing components are PIR sensor motion sensing, LDR sensor for light sensing, smoke sensor for smoke sensing and fire sensor for fire sensing. This interfacing board is fixed at home. The mobile of user is connected with home through GSM SIM900. If any problem will occur (intruder, fire, smoke or light), this GSM is transferred the message alert to the user when the person doesnt stay at home. Hence the can secure his home by himself or with the help of police station (Weaver, 2006). 1.3 Literature review Home security system using microcontroller 8051 In this project microcontroller is act as central processing unit for the whole security system. IR transmitter and receiver are used for data transmission.IR transmitter is fixed at the home where we have to monitor. IR receiver is fixed at controlling place. If the any changes in temperature or smoke or whatever we need to monitor, that signals are captured by the IR transmitter and processed by the microcontroller. Then the signals are sent to the receiver end. If there is any change, buzzer will start to beep. LCD shows the message. Using max 232 IC, the whole is interfaced with PC. Hence using that PC the owner can monitor and secure his home and other properties (Philip Walker, 1985). Home security system using arduino Here the security system is used arduino UNO microcontroller to process the input and output. 12V dc supply or battery is used for power supply. Similarly if there is any motion or fire, etc, those sensor can detect the changes which are according to the connected sensors. If those collected input signals are above the threshold level, the sms alert is transferred to concerned mobile number of the user depends on the preprogrammed warning messages. For this, GSM is used for wireless technology (Philip Walker, 1985). Microcontroller is a single microcontroller which needs to connect the other peripherals . But the arduino is a developed board which contains the series of microcontrollers. It is a platform having Atmel AVR microcontroller and peripherals. We can run this arduino with minimum circuitry and support the high level language. So when compared to microcontroller and arduino, arduino is the better choice for electronics project. But we can choose the arduino for simple projects like closing opening the gate and home automation. Whenever we need the full fledged computer, we can choose the Raspberry pi module. To drive the complicated robot and to perform the multiple tasks like industry applications and military applications, selection of Raspberry pi is the better choice. And also some home security system has been developed using Bluetooth. Among the all wireless technology, GSM SIM900 is the wide range technology which can be suitable for all real time applications (James Adams, 2014). Importance of the project The main goal of this project is to secure house. Whenever we go out, we need to protect our home in safety manner. Using this project, we can achieve our goal. Any product is to be cost effective, compact and easy to use. That is very important. Raspberry Pi 2module B which is used in this project is having very low cost. If we use this concept in big industries, group of Raspberry Pi can act as a server. For that type of application, we can do at low cost by this Raspberry Pi. And also Raspberry Pi 2 module B is very small in size. It credit card size minicomputer that doing all the process that computer can. It also support hobbyist, commercial and industrial project. So Raspberry Pi is the outstanding product. Because of using RPI, our whole project is also become very effective. And also the so many sensors are used to protect home from fire and light. The advantage of this system is giving privacy on both sides because it is monitoring by one person. All the components connecte d with RPI are having the capability of communicating through GSM. GSM is the software used for data transmission to the output end. The system is digital and fully customized(Philip Walker,1985). 2.0 Brief overview of the project Home security system is a revolutionary concept that is used to secure our house and valuables. In this paper we are introducing a new technology is Raspberry PI. Raspberry PI will act as a single board computer. This concept is also used in small, medium and large scale industries and also in military security applications (Liz Upton, 2014). Figure: overview of the project 3.0 Conclusion Home security system is a fast upcoming system with different technologies used in this world. The home security system using Raspberry Pi is the effective project which can be used not only for house also for business. Because of using RPI, this project suits for all type of security system at low cost. Hence one person can assure that to secure their properties by using a single cell phone. In this project, the sensors are interfaced with UART port of Raspberry pi2 module B which can be send the information like motion, light, smoke and fire. Also the print module is used for allow an authorized persons only. Raspberry pi2 module B PI camera is used here to capture the image of unauthorized person and Wireless GSM technology has sent the information to alert the home owner(KasimogluAkyildiz, 2004). Hence the home security system using Raspberry pi2 module B has been developed. 4.0 Future Development The future scope of this project is reducing time and resources. Raspberry pi is not suitable for all type of applications. So in future we can implement with Arduino processor and also added remote access for electronic equipments with this project. For future development, we can use image processing concept with home security system. That is we have to fix face recognition module at the home entrance or door. Here home owners face is used as a passkey to open and lock the door. Now every person has the smart phone. We can use this as remote to access the home appliances. This will be an efficient and most secured security system for home, ATM, bank. And we can passes a signal to the police station by GSM, Thus one can protect more their valuables. Also we can implement this security system for military applications. This can be avoid the terrorists or other unauthorized persons (FriedhelmHillebrand, 2001). 5.0 References AnanthaChandrakasan AmitSinha.(2001).Dynamic Power Management in wireless Sensor Networks.IEE Design Test of Computers (Vol.18). Edward.R, Henry Sir,(1900).Classification and Uses of Finger Prints (PDF). London: George Rutledge Sons, Ltd. Friedhelm Hillebrand,(2001).GSM and UMTS,The Creation of Global Mobilecommunications. John Willey Sons. ISBN 978-0-470-84322-2. Geoff Bostock, (1988). Programmable logic devices: technology and applications. Hallee,D,(May 6,2016).Passive Infrared Sensors:A Brief overview. In Home Safety